Saturday, February 28, 2015

Snow-Coast - Cape Elizabeth, Maine - February 2015

I'm a Southerner. This winter has been particularly harsh for me but apparently for Portland, Maine as well. Yesterday, I drove from Portland out to Cape Elizabeth to find Two Lights State Park. On my way out, I found people surfing. Seriously? It's cold enough when you're not wet.

When I arrived in the area where the Two Lights are supposed to be, I discovered the lighthouses are actually not in the park. The road splits and if you go left, you get to where the lighthouses are and if you go right, you get to Two Lights State Park. Just a heads up, because I thought they were one and the same so I was confused when I got there. It seems that I'm not the only one with this confusion, so maybe they should have named the park something else if the lighthouses aren't in it, just an idea.

In any case, I chose left which took me to where the lighthouses are and that's where I discovered Snow-Coast. That is rocky coastline covered in snow! I have never seen this before, it's absolutely beautiful and makes winter worth it!

Then I headed back to Portland but stopped by the Portland Head Light on my way. This place never fails as inescapably majestic.

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