Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Journey West - Spring 2009

Dogwood blooms. Dead-end job.  Completed college degree. Nasty ending to a long-term relationship. Credit card with a very high credit limit. The need to escape from the possibility of a new broken heart. Long time desire to see the country. Economic recession.

                                     --- That is the recipe for hitting the road ---

And so… one clear, sunny, dogwood bloomed spring morning at the end of March 2009, I packed my car with clothes, a sleeping bag, a vacuum cleaner, my dog … and left.

                               Spring Morning, Chapel Hill, NC --- 2009

Not a few times between putting my dog in the car and having to stop at the first red light did I ask myself if I was crazy for what I was about to do. Then as I went through that first stop light I happened to pass right by the approaching, possible broken heart and he honked his horn at me. He looked at me in surprise as our cars went in opposite directions. I had already vanished without a word. Let him wonder. This was something I had to do.

I stopped by Whole Foods Market, where I had been working, on the way to the interstate. I dropped off my employee badge but otherwise had given no notice that I was not coming back. Just once, I wanted to leave a job by just disappearing and this was my opportunity to do so. I had given Whole Foods Market a year and a half of my life that was enough notice.

Next thing I knew, I was curving down the ramp to the interstate heading west. Seattle was the ultimate destination but it would be a month before I arrived there. There was no turning back now.

                        I-40 crossing into Tennessee from North Carolina

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