Friday, February 8, 2013

Floats Heading for Line-up

The afternoon traffic in these parts is really getting out of control...
        I mean I'm just trying to get to the grocery store ;-)

Seeing the floats pre-parade is such a privilege because all of the jokes sprawled across the sides are legible in the daylight. They are on their way to line up for a parade this evening. After seeing these floats, there were trailers full of horses and flambeauxs and school buses with marching bands coming from all directions to get ready on Jefferson Avenue.

The above float entitled Leviathan has Tom Benson dressed in King's garb and an "Ownership List" is hanging behind him with two checks in the boxes next to NFL and NBA. Tom Benson owns the New Orleans Saints and the recently re-anointed Pelicans (Hornets) and several automobile dealerships including Mercedes.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is characterized as the Godfather on this float. Under his likeness is the sign Don Goodell and behind him are the helmets of Saints players who were subject to his punishments in the bounty scandal dubbed "Bountygate." In December 2012 the charges against all of the Saints players were vacated and Roger Goodell remains forever on the Most Wanted list for all New Orleanians. Signs hanging from balconies around the City shout "Geaux to Hell Roger Goodell" and "Go to Hell Fidel Goodell." In a local ice cream shop another sign states "Do Not Serve This Man" and beneath a picture of Roger Goodell. It's a hot topic.

 It's almost always a surprise driving around this city especially, of course, during this time of year.

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